STONE-B is an organic biofertilizer and bio protector. It is composed of a consortium of PGPR strains that are isolated. These PGPR strains are immobilized in a natural carrier, consisting of a mix of minerals and formulated as a slow-release granule.
This process continuously liberates microorganisms & nutrients to the soil, guaranteeing the colonization of roots and subsequent activity. The principles in which its actions are based on, are natural processes stimulated and enabled through the massive reproduction and reintroduction of these microbial agents in the environment to enhance these processes. This consortium of bacteria is able to colonize the roots of plants, as well as fix
atmospheric nitrogen, soluble phosphate, potassium, and other minerals in the soil, which provides nutrients needed by the plants.
STONE-B is a strong growth accelerator. It reduces transplant shock, facilitating plant establishment which increases the plants survival. It also produces phytohormones, siderophores, and different growth promoting substances that
improve rooting. This process yields stronger and healthier plants, while achieving a strong reduction of environmental water pollution by producing a drastic reduction of nitrates in crops and the environment.
Plants colonized by STONE-B’s bacteria, are protected from the entry of pathogens and moreover grow healthy. Plants well nourished with a strong roots system, are more resistant to attacks of pathogenic organisms and abiotic stress. STONE-B has a positive effect on the characteristics of the soil, reducing its salinity and improving it’s structure. It has a high stability for storage and application in the field. These microorganisms stay well conserved in very favorable metabolic conditions. When freed up, they exhibit a high survival and working capacity. This product greatly reduces the amount of labor, as it is applied only once in short cycle crops and once a year in perennials.